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「scone publishing」,成立於2019年的本地獨立出版社,屬「brownie publishing」旗下品牌。從生活出發,探討社會上各種不同的課題,期望以書籍、文字及影像帶領讀者一同細味人間的甜酸苦辣。


"Scone publishing" is a subsidiary under the independent publisher "brownie publishing". Established in 2019, Scone aim to explore various issues in society with words and images from the perspective of daily life, and with the readers together enjoy the sweetness and bitterness of our world. 


我們的服務 Our Services 

scone publishing 除以出版及網絡書店為主要業務外,亦提供各類與文化藝術相關的服務,如活動籌辦(展覽、分享會、發佈會、工作坊等)、公關及推廣服務、藝術家/團體/機構品牌管理,以及製作、設計與印刷服務等。


“scone publishing” is focusing on publishing and online bookstore, we also provide art and culture related services such as events organizing (eg. artist talk, exhibition, workshop, book launch etc.), PR and promotion services, artist/organization brand management and also design, printing and production services.


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